All wise and knowing.

The White House has their own blog on the offical White House website (  This is a useful way to reach people in this age of social networking and technology. If you watch Fox News or read some of the more conservative blogs, you might have noticed the lies that are being spread about President Obama's plan for healthcare for Americans.

This is very counter-productive to our society, and it is time we have health insurance for everyone, paid for by government and more wealthy members of society. After all, we made them.

The White House communication office put out a call on one of their blogs giving Americans a chance to report the lies and fear mongering about healthcare. 

This is part of the White House blog post....

"For the record, the President has consistently said that if you like your insurance plan, your doctor, or both, you will be able to keep them.  He has even proposed eight consumer protections relating specifically to the health insurance industry.

There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care.  These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation.  Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to"

I applaud this bold move by President Obama and the White House staff.  Do your part, and help report these liars so we can get on with health care reform.




Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 06, 2009

It gets more bizarre by the minute.

on Aug 06, 2009

well... only a NAZI will oppose "health care reform" that socializes, rations, and tries to convince the elderly to commit suicide cause they are a waste of resources. [/sarcasm]

on Aug 06, 2009


I highly doubt you'll engage with anyone here in a conversation based upon the style of your article.  I see that you are new here and want to extend a friendly welcome. 

I would encourage you Obiwan to think about what you are saying here in this article. 

The white house is asking people to report anyone who essentially disagrees with their plans. Everyone who disagrees is automatically dismissed as a liar?  What happened to the notion that people have a right to challenge and speak out about their opinions and thoughts?  I thought Obama wanted to engage in discussion and debates, or was that only applicable during his campaign?

Obiwan, think about our health care versus everywhere else in the world and ask yourself, why is it so advanced and great?  If health care flourishes and thrives on National healthcare why then isn't Russia, Canada, Great Britian, etc mentioned as the medicinal leaders?

The problem I have with this health care 'reform' is that they are trying to rush it through like all the other bills previously done.  No one really knows what's in it.  No one has taken the time to read it.  Heck most of the US population don't even know who is writing these bills (and no it's not the politicians in Congress)! 

While I suspect you won't read my comment and even more so won't reply to engage in a discussion, I suppose I've wasted my time?

on Aug 07, 2009

The article's just a one-off, Obi-Shitobi ain't comin' back.

But just so you know who he wants you to report, here's what you need to be on the lookout for: angy mobs of Swastika-waving knuckledraggers like these, cruisin' for victims.

on Aug 07, 2009

Darn.  Here's another article I'm going to have to report.


Phew.  This patriotic duty stuff is hard work.

on Aug 19, 2009

This must be the Obi-wan of episode 1, as he is not yet learned in the ways of the force.

Also I'm sure all those wealthy people thank you from the bottom of their hearts. I believe that if they don't give you YOUR FREE health (cause you probably don't pay much in taxes, and would benefit most) you should show them what for by not buying their products and services. That will teach em to stop trying to make money.

Funny those that hated the Patriot Act (to root out terrorists, and was voted on) simply love Obama's snitch on your (conservative) neighbor program (which monitors citizens and nobody voted for).

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